Blue Lizard’s Impact on the Sunscreen Market

blue lizard sunscreen

In a recent episode of my podcast Derm Club, I had the pleasure of hosting Jeffery Bedard, the visionary behind Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen and the President of Crown Laboratories. Our conversation delved into the fascinating world of sunscreen, revealing insights into its evolution and the innovative strides Blue Lizard has made in the skincare industry.

Jeffery began by sharing the origin story of Blue Lizard, which dates back to 1995. The brand emerged from a collaboration with an Australian family, introducing a zinc oxide-based sunscreen to the U.S. market. This was a significant shift from the prevalent chemical-based sunscreens at the time. Jeffery explained how this innovative approach not only offered safer sunscreen options but also set a new standard in the industry. The discussion then moved to Blue Lizard’s unique educational approach, particularly its UV-responsive packaging. Jeffery highlighted the importance of this feature, which goes beyond mere aesthetics. The packaging serves as an educational tool, providing a visual reminder of the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays and the need for protection.

Environmental Concerns and Product Development

As we spoke about the environmental impact of sunscreens, Jeffery shared Blue Lizard’s commitment to sustainability. The brand has been a leader in producing reef-safe, environmentally friendly sunscreen options. This focus on sustainability is evident in their product evolution, particularly in their move towards mineral-based formulations. Jeffery also gave an overview of Crown Laboratories’ extensive portfolio. He underscored the company’s commitment to diversifying into various skincare products, ranging from aesthetic solutions to therapeutic treatments. A key focus for Crown Laboratories is making skincare accessible and affordable, ensuring their products reach a broad spectrum of consumers.

We also touched upon the challenges in the sunscreen industry, especially concerning regulatory landscapes. Jeffery pointed out the stringent FDA regulations that have limited the introduction of new active ingredients in the U.S. sunscreen market, contrasting this with the advancements in other global markets.

The Shift in Industry Trends

Our conversation then turned to the industry’s gradual shift towards mineral-based sunscreens. Jeffery elaborated on Blue Lizard’s transition from a mix of zinc oxide and UV absorbers to purely mineral-based products. This shift aligns with the growing consumer preference for natural and less harmful ingredients in sunscreens. Looking towards the future, Jeffery expressed Crown Laboratories’ continuous effort in innovation, focusing on developing sunscreens that balance high SPF protection with user-friendliness and aesthetic appeal. He acknowledged the challenges in creating products that not only protect but also meet consumer expectations in texture and appearance.

Throughout our discussion, we shared personal experiences and insights from consumers. I reminisced about my own experiences with sunscreens during my youth and how Blue Lizard products have become an integral part of my skincare routine.

It was clear that the my conversation wasn’t just about a brand; it was a comprehensive look into the sunscreen industry’s past, present, and future. The conversation highlighted the importance of innovation, environmental responsibility, and consumer education in skincare. It offered a rare glimpse into the intricacies of the sunscreen market and how one brand is making significant strides in changing how we think about and use sunscreen.

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